Problem with values? I hear you. From lifestyle blogs to business boardrooms, values are everywhere. Maybe you know what your values are; maybe you don’t (yet!) but to my mind there’s one thing that elevates values from being the latest buzz word to having actual, well…value, and that’s doing something with them.

Using your values to make great choices

Whatever brought you here, welcome to this in-depth guide to the absolutely non-frivolous nature of WorkJoy. I’ll be walking you step-by-joyful-step through some ideas, exercises and inspiration that’ll help reveal WorkJoy as the serious (but also seriously AWESOME) business it is. Because…well, you deserve WorkJoy in your life, you can make it happen, and I’m here to help you.

WorkJoy isn’t frivolous

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is an icky feeling that most of us will experience at some point in our lives. It is the fear that you might miss out on something exciting or important that others are experiencing. This feeling is often heightened by social media, where you see other people’s highlight reels and […]

How JOMO is the Antidote to FOMO (and how to get more of it)

Over the years, I’ve spent many hours on trains (and sometimes planes) alongside people travelling for work. Often, it’s people with their teammates, having discussions about their work. As someone who suffers from the dreaded travel sickness, I can’t look at a computer or even listen to a podcast. I must sit there (if I’m […]

Casual Advocacy

I see ageing as a privilege not offered to many people and I am planning to celebrate the sh*t out of this occasion.

40 Lessons from a 40 year old

Lessons on Work Life from the Wizard of Oz

Musicals bring me the immense most joy. The razzle dazzle, the music, the dancing, the costumes. But how about work-life lessons?

Four Work-Life Lessons from the Wizard of Oz…