I’m joyfully working in WorkJoy HQ when my phone pings. A slack message: the first ever batch of my first ever book, WorkJoy: A toolkit for a better working life, is due to arrive at my house next week. Excited much? I might actually explode. I love real books. Holding them in my hands and […]

The Book Writing Rollercoaster

The Jar of Joy

Our brains are naturally drawn the to the dark side due to a little (big) thing called negativity bias. There’s good reason for it, it helps protect us and keep us safe from harm. Yet it can also lead to getting lost in your own head, making mountains where molehills once stood, focusing on the worst-case scenario and catastrophising about the smallest things.

The Jar of Joy

Over the years, I’ve spent many hours on trains (and sometimes planes) alongside people travelling for work. Often, it’s people with their teammates, having discussions about their work. As someone who suffers from the dreaded travel sickness, I can’t look at a computer or even listen to a podcast. I must sit there (if I’m […]

Casual Advocacy