You’re usually primed to fend off the stinky vibes of the office moodhoover, but they caught you on a bad day and now you’ve caught their WorkGloom… You really wish you had a boss or a leader you could look up to, but they’re too snowed under/too underqualified/too crap, to give you a second thought… […]
Your comfort zone has become a dead zone and you know you have to make a change, but you can’t imagine getting up the courage… Your company has announced ‘exciting changes’, which may or may not be code for ‘restructuring and redundancies’, and you don’t know whether to stick or twist… You’re just bloody knackered […]
It really can be hard to tell whether you should stay or you should go, especially when you’re struggling under a cloud of WorkGloom. Sometimes you absolutely do need to request your P45; equally, sometimes it can be a good idea to take a breath and do some proper thinking before you march to HR. That’s what this guide is for. To help you pause, help you weigh up options, help you see things from a different perspective.
You’ve been chasing work-life balance for who knows how long, but as soon as you seem to get close, it slips through your fingers again… You’ve been gunning it for so long, you’ve got nothing left. You don’t eat well, sleep well, you’re always ill and you can’t muster the enthusiasm for anything… You played […]
Problem with values? I hear you. From lifestyle blogs to business boardrooms, values are everywhere. Maybe you know what your values are; maybe you don’t (yet!) but to my mind there’s one thing that elevates values from being the latest buzz word to having actual, well…value, and that’s doing something with them.
Whatever brought you here, welcome to this in-depth guide to the absolutely non-frivolous nature of WorkJoy. I’ll be walking you step-by-joyful-step through some ideas, exercises and inspiration that’ll help reveal WorkJoy as the serious (but also seriously AWESOME) business it is. Because…well, you deserve WorkJoy in your life, you can make it happen, and I’m here to help you.
Christmas is a funny old time, isn’t it? The build up is kind of hectic. There’s presents to be bought, food to be ordered, maybe an event or five to get glammed up for (remember JOMO (the Joy of Missing Out), though). The kids are off. The family is down. Something’s always been forgotten. Then, on the other side, there’s…nothing much at all. As the years go by, it seems to me that more and more organisations shut up shop between Christmas and New Year, giving us all an enforced rest and real opportunity to recharge. My advice? Don’t waste it.
I spend my professional life (and my personal life, actually), talking about joy. Like, a lot. I believe in joy. And I especially believe in cultivating joy in unexpected contexts, like work. Everyone wants to feel fulfilled at work (as well as appreciated, rewarded and many other things) but very few of us expect joy. […]